Mobile Compare is a mobile plan and mobile phone comparison website brought to you by the good
sorts at NZ Compare.
At Mobile Compare, you can compare mobile plans from different providers to find the best plan
for you. We’ve got an incredible range of plans from all your favourite NZ mobile providers.
Plus, the website is super easy to use - you’ll find a fantastic deal in no time.
If you need to contact us please get in touch.
Zeronet Mobile is here!
Keep Your Number – First 3 Months Half Price*
*T&Cs apply. Offer on a 4-month connection.
Save up to $192 when you sign up for Fast Plan for the first 12 months at Mighty Mobile!
Instant setup. No fuss. No worries.
Start saving on Rocket Mobile!
Unlimited data, calls and texts from $30/m.
No contracts and surcharges.